Farmer Groups

Group standing by a river.
Farmer Cluster talk at the River Crane with Wessex Rivers Trust.
When working together, farmers and land managers can deliver greater benefits, especially at a landscape scale. This is the foundation of Farmer Groups, sometimes known as ‘Farmer Clusters’ in Cranborne Chase National Landscape.  

Cranborne Chase is home to ten Farmer Groups, making up 60% of the National Landscape area. These farmer-led groups are a bottom-up response to a national aspiration for greater environmental awareness in farming, reinforcing community ties across farm boundaries. 

How does Cranborne Chase National Landscape support Farmer Groups? 

We work closely with Farmer Groups, who are supported by advisors or ‘facilitators’. These facilitators, along with work undertaken in Farmer Groups, are funded by existing agri-environment schemes, through additional funding or in some cases by the farms in the group. 

The Farming in Protected Landscapes (FiPL) fund, operating in Protected Landscapes since 2021, has supported a range of projects undertaken by local Farmer Groups. The Countryside Stewardship Facilitation Fund has also provided support to these groups, including the Nadder Valley Farmer Group. 

Farmer Groups in Cranborne Chase 

See a map and list of the ten Farmer Groups located in Cranborne Chase National Landscape…

Allenford Cluster (part of Martin Down Supercluster) 

Badbury Rings Farmer Cluster

Chalke Valley Farmer Cluster (part of Martin Down Supercluster) 

Cranborne Chase Cluster  

Inner Chase Cluster  

Martin Down Farmer Cluster (part of Martin Down Supercluster) 

Nadder Valley Farmer Group  

Selwood Farm Cluster  

Wilton Farm Cluster  

Wylye Valley Farmer Group 

If you would like more information about these groups, please contact